Tapioca Pudding


Tapioca pudding

Tapioca is a starch extracted from the storage roots of the cassava plant. Tapioca has a neutral flavor and strong gelling power, making it effective as a thickening agent in both sweet and savory foods. Traditional uses for tapioca include tapioca pudding, bubble or boba tea and other candies and desserts. Both tapioca pudding and boba tea are made with pearled tapioca, or small balls of tapioca starch that turn into a chewy, gummy ball when cooked. Tapioca pudding is a very common, healthy and delicious dessert which you should give a try because it will definetly win your heart.
PREP TIME 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Asian
Servings 2
Calories 180 kcal



  • 350 g blueberries
  • 50 g sugar
  • 10 g gelatin
  • 40 ml water

Tapioca pudding

  • 1 glass tapioca
  • 3 glasses water
  • 2 glasses milk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract


  • For the jelly add the blueberries in a pan, cover them and let them boil for 10 minutes on medium heat. After 10 minutes take the lid, add the sugar, mix and boil everything for another 5-10 minutes on low heat. Let the blueberries cool and then mash them with a vertical mixer or blender. Meanwhile, moisturize the gelatin with 40 ml of water and heat the mixture until the gelatin granules dissolve. Add the gelatin over the blueberry puree and mix. Put the jelly in glasses and then let it cool until taking care of the pudding.
  • For the pudding, boil the tapioca and the 3 glasses of water. Measure the ingredients with the same glass to keep the correct proportions. When the water heats up, start mixing until the tapioca pearls rise to the surface. After the water starts to boil, leave everything on the fire for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour the tapioca pearls into a strainer and rinse with cold water until they are no longer sticky. Put the tapioca pearls, milk and sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the milk becomes coagulated. At the end, add the vanilla extract so as not to lose its aroma. Pour the pudding over the jelly and serve as such or with fresh fruit.
Keyword autumn dessert, heaalthy food, healthy dessert, pudding, pudding dessert, tapioca pudding
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